
Hi! I’m Zoe MacLean and this is my student blog. You can read my posts, stalk me in my other Internet hang-outs, contact me or just click away. Up to you.

I’m currently studying for a Bachelor of Communication Media at RMIT in Melbourne. This blog was set up specifically for my Networked Media course but will cover content ranging from all my courses, to just random media-related things I find interesting. In 2013 this blog will be used mainly for Integrated Media.

I’m Queensland born and bred and have been living in Melbourne since the end of 2011. I love everything about this city, except the weather. I like my weather hot and humid not cold and windy. But I am dealing with it.

I don’t have a licence, I do have a bike. My bike has a basket covered in fake flowers and wheels chock full of spokey dokes. I am a sight and a half on the roads.

I don’t know what I want to do when I graduate, but I do know that I want to tell people’s stories in a way that changes the world. Hopefully for the better.